New Jersey High School Voter Registration Week
- NJ High School Voter Registration Week video
- Student Voter Registration and Voting Website
- How to Participate in NJ High School Voter Registration Week (coming soon)
- HS Voter Registration Week Event Flyer (coming soon)
Additional instructional resources:
- Energizing Young Voters
- The Civics Center – How to Run a Voter Registration Drive
- Be An Informed New Jersey Voter slide deck (coming soon)
In order to ensure school districts, charter schools, renaissance school projects, nonpublic high schools, and private agencies that provide educational services for high schools, are complying with the requirements of N.J.A.C. 6A:32-14.2, the New Jersey Department of Education is issuing a High School Voter Registration Statement of Assurance (SOA) for school year 2024-2025, that must be emailed to the Executive County Superintendent no later than June 30, 2025.
The SOA affirms that the school districts, charter schools, renaissance school projects, nonpublic high schools, and private agencies that provide educational services for high schools by means of public funds have complied with all the requirements of the High School Voter Registration Law, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:36-27.
***All Information and photos provided by the New Jersey Department of Education