Get ready for a fun-filled competition this April, as the Peer Leaders at Middletown High School North host an exciting student-staff cornhole tournament! Whether you’re a seasoned cornhole pro or just looking for a good time, this is an event you won’t want to miss.
The tournament will take place throughout the month of April in the lower gym, with the boards set up during Block 2. Teams will be organized into pools, and each group will be given specific play-by dates. Matches will be self-scheduled by the teams, who are required to report their winners to Mrs. J. Smith for accurate tracking.
Tournament Format and Details:
After the pool play is finished, the top two teams from each group will advance to a single-elimination bracket. This year, in response to last year’s lengthy tournament, only the top two teams from each pool will move forward—so be sure to bring your A-game! In the event of a tie in the pool, the team with the highest point differential will be the one to advance.
The semifinals and finals will take place in the upper gym on April 11th during Block 6. Seniors are invited to watch and cheer on their classmates as the competition heats up to determine the champions of the 2025 cornhole tournament!
To make this tournament even more authentic, we’re aiming for a genuine cornhole experience with real boards and bags. If you happen to have any cornhole boards or bags that you’re willing to lend for the month, we would greatly appreciate your support in making this event a success.
Please help us spread the word by sharing the tournament flyer on your Google Classroom. Let’s make this spring event one to remember!
Mark Your Calendars:
- Tournament Dates: April (specific match dates to be determined by teams)
- Finals: April 11th, Block 6 in the upper gym
- Organized by: Peer Leaders
Get ready for some serious fun—let the games begin!
Middletown North Cornhol Tournament Tournament Rules:
- Each game is played until one team has reached 21
- See scoring for detailed scoring procedures
- Each board should be 27 feet apart (front of board to front of board) – look for markings on the floor!
- Each team can throw up to the front of their board without a penalty. a. If a team crosses the imaginary line the throw does not count.
- Any games not played will be recorded as a forfeit (21-0). a. Please see the Cornhole Organizer (J. Smith) if you encounter any scheduling problems.
- All bean bags and boards used during the games must be approved by the Cornhole Committee prior to the start of the game (all boards and bean bags provided have been approved). Any use of unapproved equipment during the game will result in a forfeit.
- The winning team reports the score using the emailed Google form.
Please remember to follow the rules of good sportsmanship and HAVE FUN!!