Thank You Coach Matt Sirchio: A True Lion

The journey began during the 2005-2006 school year, when newly hired physical education teacher Matt Sirchio started his path as a Middletown North Lion. For then next sixteen years, Coach Sirchio would be a true example of what being ¨Orange and Black” was all about.

During Coach Sirchio´s time at Middletown High School North, Sirchio demonstrated a desire to inspire, lead and shape the students of the Middletown community. Coach Sirchio´s rapport with the students was clearly positive, as many students would go out of their way to engage, converse and return after graduation to show their admiration.

Outside of the classroom, Coach Sirchio was one of the most respected wrestling coaches in the state of New Jersey, turning the Lions into a perennial champion year after year. After taking the helm as the Lions Coach during the 2006-2007 season, Coach Sirchio led the Lions to an overall record of 210-134 during that span. The Lions captured 4 division team titles, 1 district team title, while many individual wrestlers captured success at the division, conference, district, regional and state level.

Coach Sirchio also wore many hats while at Middletown North, including serving as a member of the Middletown High School North Hall of Fame committee, Head Golf Coach, and Co-Advisor to clubs such as volleyball, key club and more. Coach Sirchio has also been very heavily involved in events hosted by the students over the past sixteen years in show of support.

These Middletown High School North events over the years included pep rallies, student-faculty basketball games, MHSN Olympics, the annual bonfire, No Shave November, Kortney´s Coins, Autism Awareness, Breast Cancer Awareness, Pediatric Cancer Awareness, homecoming, junior prom, senior prom, scoreboard controller, sporting event announcer, spearheading the Al Guenthner Academic Achievement Award, the Al Guenthner Wrestling Scholarship, the Tom Blevins Wrestling Scholarship. Coach Sirchio has many accolades that he accomplished during his time at Middletown as a coach including:

  • 3 time B-North Coach of the year
  • 4 time District Coach of the Year
  • 2018 Region 5 Coach of the Year
  • 2016 A-North Champions
  • 2017,2019, 2020 B-North Champions
  • 2019 District 20 Champions
  • Coached first Individual Shore Conference Tournament Champion in Middletown North History-Nicko Cofone 2018
  • Coached first State Champion in Middletown North History-Tyler Klinsky

Coach Sirchio´s dedication, passion and sense of humor was infectious to all that he came into contact with him. Although Coach Sirchio grew up in Point Pleasant, he established a strong connection with Middletown and eventually moved to the Middletown community, where he met his wife Brie (Middletown North alum) and started his family having three beautiful children.

When reflecting on his time at Middletown North, Coach Sirchio stated ¨As an educator and coach at Middletown North, having the opportunity to work with such amazing students-athletes each and every year was an amazing experience. Every student and every athlete has their own script and its important as an educator/ role model to understand your students, find a way to connect with them and provide them the best opportunity to succeed. This will come in many different approaches and sometimes take years, but the most rewarding feeling in the world is when a former student or athlete reaches out to say thank you for everything you did.¨

Many of Coach Sirchio´s students and colleagues wanted to shared their thoughts about Coach Sirchio with The Lion´s Roar:


Sophomore Brandon Chuisano: ¨Mr. Sirchio is a great guy.  One of the most personable and fun teachers I have ever known.  I am going to miss those funny conversations in the gym.  I wish him all of the best in his future endeavors.¨

Senior MHSN President Matt Klimovich: ¨Mr. Sirchioś ability to connect with his students and be a positive role model for the Middletown North community is one of the reasons his students always looked forward to seeing him.  His impact at Middletown North over the years has been outstanding and it will resonate with his students for a lifetime.¨

Mr. Scala: ¨Coach Sirchio is not only a tremendous teacher and coach, but a tremendous friend.  Coach always had a way of making you laugh or smile even if the mood you were in did not match his.  His quick, witted comments and humorous conversations are something I always looked forward to.  Thank you for everything you have done for myself and the MHSN community over the years.  Best of luck to you Coach!¨

Mrs Jennifer Smith: ¨Matt was the best! I will miss our wrestling chats during the season!¨

Frank Dente (Class of 2014): ¨When I transitioned from a student at Middletown North  to a teacher in the building, Coach Sirchio was one of the first people to make me feel like a true colleague and friend rather than just a former student.  It is his ability to make you feel important, no matter what your status was truly special to me.¨

Mrs. Jessica Gavini: ¨Matt, I will miss your words of wisdom because you know, you have a Master´s Degree :).¨

Jacob Anderson (Class of 2019): ¨Coach Sirchio not only coached me on the mat, but taught me so many lessons and values that I have been able to utilize in my future sucesses.  Coach Sirchio always talked to me about legacy and leaving your mark.  He truly left his mark on Middletown High School North and on me.  I hope you enjoy your pancakes in retirement when that day comes.  Thank you Coach Sirchio!¨

Nicko Cofone (Class of 2018): ¨Coach Sirchio was one of the first individuals who enabled me to witness the fruits of hard work come true in real life. He didn’t just preach, he practiced what he preached, and that’s what made him so impactful on his athletes. The passion, dedication, and overall positive influence he brought to the entire Middletown North Wrestling program, but more importantly each athlete he encountered, must never go overlooked. He turned around an entire program, and had tremendous success as a coach. However, his true legacy lies within the athletes he impacted, and the true care and commitment he showed to each and everyone of them, regardless of their “status” on the team.¨

Mrs. Michelle Goldfarb: ¨I remember Matt and I working towards our masters degree.  We had no fun completing, but lots of fun complaining about those classes back in the day.  Great memories!¨

Mr. Ray Convey: ¨Coach Sirchio has become a good friend over the years.  It was great to see the wrestling teams have so much success under his leadership.  We enjoyed a lot of good laughs working together and he will definitely be missed at North.¨

Mr. Brock Silvestri: ¨Thanks Sirch for always telling me I will never be as good as you. I’ll miss your daily pep talks. On a serious note, Coach Sirchio has been a true Middletown North Lion, who took pride in coaching, teaching and wearing the Orange and Black.¨

Michael Murphy (Class of 2021): ¨Thank you Mr. Sirchio for being an amazing role model, that was there for everyone. He made every student feel important and he truly embodies all of the values of a good man.¨

Stanley Wojdylak (Class of 2018): ¨Coach Sirchio was a great teacher and coach. He was willing to come in early before school to workout or work on things with me to get better. He was willing to use his lunch time to help me with strength training. He was willing to stay after practice if I need that extra workout to lose weight. He invested just as much as the wrestlers did if not more. He is truly one of the greatest coaches to walk through Middletown High School North.  Thank you for all that you do!¨

THANK YOU Coach Sirchio! We at Middletown North wish you all of the best!