Middletown North’s Role-Playing Games Club off to a Great Start!


The Lion's Roar Staff

Middletown High School North has been continuously gauging student interest in co-curricular activities that take place and those they feel should be implemented.  One of the newest clubs added here at Middletown North is the Role-Playing Games Club.  Over the past three years, many students have been trying to organize this club and finally it has come to fruition during the 2017-18 school year.  This club promotes the play and design of both tabletop and live-action role playing games also known as “RPG’s”.  This club allows students who like to participate in RPG’s to find new players and new games.  The club also helps both new and experienced players learn more about various games and game systems.  Not only does this new club at Middletown High School North seem fun, but it also promotes social interaction, team building and critical thinking skills.  The most commonly played game is called “Dungeons and Dragons”.  According to the Dungeons and Dragons official website (http://dnd.wizards.com/?scrlybrkr=ac75a849), “The first Dungeons & Dragons game was played back when Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson chose to personalize the massive battles of their fantasy war games with the exploits of individual heroes. This inspiration became the first fantasy role playing game in which players are characters in an ongoing fantasy story.”  

This year’s club has been led by teachers Lindsay Rath and John Russoniello.  These two Middletown North educators hold meetings every Tuesday and Wednesday in the library, Mr. Russoniello’s room or Ms. Rath’s room until 3:30. Occasionally, there are meetings block 4 for officers. The club was started in May 2017 and was proposed by 2017 graduate Brandon Johnsen and current juniors Dalia Habiby, Adam Hill, Mark Lacuna, Anthony Riccardo, and Christopher Severino. Mr. Russoniello believes this club is off to a great start because of the outlet it provides.  “This club allows students to escape their hectic lives sometimes and be someone they are not.  It provides them with a release from the daily grind and they get to enjoy the company of their classmates, while playing a game full of strategy and excitement”.

The Role Playing Games Club of Middletown High School North is open to everyone.  Feel free to stop by and have some fun.