Girls Basketball 2018

The girls of Middletown North’s 2018 Basketball team are hyped up for a successful season to come. The 2017 season was one to remember with a winning record that made it into the shore conference. Coach Jones has retired his coaching position, and left Coach Mchgee to take over. The program includes head coach Mchgee, assistant coach Hoffman, and JV coach Ridolfi. These coaches are eager for a season full of achievements.
The seniors include Kiera Williams, Caleigh Mcanuff, Mackenzie Kernan, and Baylie Padla. The juniors Gina Palladino, Giana Mcgaughey, Melissa Golembiski.
An interview was held with Olivia Cerbo (Sophomore, Forward), “I always look forward to playing basketball because it is a game I enjoy, but playing with this group of girls is the highlight of my high school years.” Another interview was conducted with Gina Palladino (Junior Forward), “As a team, we will improve from last year both on the court and off. Even though we are in a tough division, it gives us more the opportunity to get something out of the sport and the season.”
The first game is on December 15th at RBC. Be sure to get out there and support our Lady Lions!

I am currently a junior at Middletown High School North and this is my third year as part of the Lion's Roar staff. I also have been part of the soccer...