How Writing Helped Me Find Myself
Expressing my feelings has always been something that I’ve struggled with. I never knew how to say what I felt and I was always too scared to witness people’s reactions.
Anxiousness always weighed me down and forced me to keep to myself, constantly making me feel full of emotions that needed to be blurted out. It wasn’t until I was forced to write articles weekly that I realized something that could help me, something that I would have a deep passion for and something that others could relate to. I’m not the only one in this world who feels as if letting everything out isn’t always the answer.
I began writing articles for the school newspaper, which turned into writing personal pieces that wouldn’t be turned in for a grade. These are pieces that I can look back on and someday put into the world for others to see. Maybe one day, people will be able to see my work and know that they are not alone and that someone else once felt as they do.
Writing helped me work out my personal conflicts. I wrote and wrote and, eventually, problems that felt important at the time slowly disappeared. Being a part of the school newspaper helped me find a passion and helped me find something else that I might want to pursue. I do not have to be a professional journalist to write and express myself, and that is a beautiful thing in itself. Everyone can write and sometimes people can find themselves in their writing.

My name is Rosie Magliulo. I’m a senior staff writer for the Lions Roar and most of my articles are “teacher feature” articles or just feature articles...