Second Marking Period Renaissance Awards
Winners of Middletown North’s Second Marking Period Renaissance Awards were honored with a pizza party provided by the Renaissance Committee in the CRC room in the Library on February 7, during blocks 3 and 4.
During the morning announcements on February 5, Renaissance winners were announced for the school to hear. The awards were given out to students who excelled or improved in a specific area. Students were nominated by their teachers in each of the categories listed below. Winners may be nominated more than once for different marking periods or subject areas. Below are the names of the students who performed outstandingly during the second marking period:
- English
- Aiden Warshawer
- Jada McKnight
- Social Studies
- Amanda Dice
- Owen Davidson
- Math
- Daniel Rozzo
- Thomas McWalters
- Science
- Kassidy Ford
- Rian McCusker
- World Language
- Keilah Granito
- James Conway
- Fine/Performing Arts
- Kaitlyn Racioppi
- Kristen Daly
- Business
- Spencer Deuidicibus
- Physical Education
- Genesis Everett
- Thomas Giannone
- Citizenship/Overall
- Cara McNulty
- Chris Fitzpatrick
- John Spiro
The staff member of the marking period was awarded to Mr. Chris Hoffmann.
Students who attended the party were also entered in a raffle for the chance to win gift cards to Panera Bread and Dunkin’ Donuts. Senior Owen Davidson won the Panera card and Sophomore Kaitlyn Raccioppi won the Dunkin’ Donuts gift card.
Congrats to all those who excelled during the second marking period. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed!

I am currently a junior and staff member of the The Lion’s Roar for Middletown North! I enjoy writing feature articles and A&E pieces. Some activities...