2019: A New Chapter for All

As many claim at this time of year: “New year, new . . . something”! It is the time when individuals set personal goals for themselves and start with a clean slate.
Typically, these goals are very short-term and are often fallen out of pattern due to a lack of commitment. Some examples of these types of goals are to eat better or start hitting the gym more. Others are more personal, such as reading a book a week or practicing a sport for a designated amount of time.
With this in mind, there are always things to look forward to, especially as the year has just kicked off. Within the realms of the entertainment world, action-packed superhero movies such as Avengers: Endgame, Captain Marvel and Spider-Man: Far from Home are on their way to the theaters in the near future.
Bestselling author of the young adult thriller One of Us Is Lying, Karen M. McManus, published the sequel Two Can Keep a Secret on January 8, giving readers who love mysteries a great choice to start the year off with.
Be sure to fill this new year with memories and make each day a new adventure; before you know it, this year will fly by! Here’s to a new year!

I am currently a junior and staff member of the The Lion’s Roar for Middletown North! I enjoy writing feature articles and A&E pieces. Some activities...