Middletown North Welcomes New Staff Member

Middletown High School North recently welcomed its newest staff member, Mr. Dan Alston. Mr. Alston is the new Technology Coach and instructor of the Innovation and Design class.
Mr. Alston is a friendly, familiar face to many, as he was previously the Assistant Principal of Bayshore Middle School. He also served as the District Supervisor for Instructional Technology. Responsibilities of this role included providing leadership and vision to District goals, providing engaging and emerging technology and assisting staff in building skills and strategies for communicating through social media and technology.
Last school year Mr. Alston served as the Supervisor of Innovation, Design and Communications. That title entails being a technology leader and professional learner, communicating within the school community and assisting in developing an internal community.
When asked how he feels about coming to Middletown High School North, Mr. Alston said, “I am thankful to join the #WeAreMiddNorth Lions family this school year!”
Mr.Alston‘s current job role is to work with high school teachers in helping to integrate effective, high-quality technology into instructional areas. This serves as a valuable resource to the teaching staff at North. Teachers can now increase their understanding and mastery of vital education technology tools. Mr. Alston will be working with both small and large groups of teachers daily and during professional development days to provide instruction that will increase student performance and productivity using technology tools.
“Teaching has been a calling to learn and lead with students. Hence my return to the daily role of working as an educator now with the amazing students and staff at High School North!” Mr. Alston told The Lion’s Roar.

I am a sophomore at Middletown High School North and it is my first year as part of The Lion’s Roar staff. I am also a part of Heroes and Cool Kids,...