Holiday Break

This upcoming week is the final week of school before winter break for all the students and staff of MHSN. Many classes will be closing up lessons and doing some testing before the break so that students will not have to come back from break to a halfway finished lesson and testing.
This break is a perfect time to relax and pause from doing school work as well as a perfect time to be with family and friends to celebrate the holidays together.
December has been a ‘welcome back party’ for snow. We have not been hit very hard so far this year, but it’s also seeming to be giving us the possibility of a White Christmas.
Again, while this is going to be a time for relaxation and unwinding, do not forget that this week will be full of work and tests and notes. Good luck studying everyone! Thank you to the teachers, for giving us an opportunity to do this work now and not when we get back.

I’m 15-years-old and I’m a Sophomore at MHSN. I’m very introverted, spending most of my time reading books or on a computer, but I can be very...