In an effort to provide additional support for high school students throughout their careers, the district will begin to phase in a new guidance counselor assignment structure. When students enter high school, they will be assigned a guidance counselor. This counselor will remain with them for all four years. To bridge the gap between the previous model and this new model, seniors will retain the same counselor as last year for the 2024 – 2025 school year.
This will afford continuity as these students are in the midst of post-secondary planning. Freshman, sophomores, and seniors will be assigned to a counselor who they will remain with for the remainder of their high school careers, with the exception of a small group of Freshman, who will need to be reassigned to a
counselor, for a final time next year to equalize the case loads. This is the least disruptive plan, while still accomplishing the goal of evolution to a 9-12 counselor model. If you have questions, please reach out to the Assistant Principal of Guidance at the school (Mrs. Nicholas at North and Dr. Trudell
at South).
For more information pertaining to the Middletown High School North Guidance Department, please visit: