Middletown North Dance Arts Academy is hosting Dancing With The Faculty
This event has different teachers partnered up with a Dance Academy dancer and each group will go head to head against each other. There are 6 groups competing in the contest. The groups are of different varieties, some are one teacher and one student, others are two students with one teacher or multiple teachers and students. The contest will be judged and scored and whatever group comes on top will be given a trophy as the prize.
The Arts Academy is very excited to share this event with you, they have put on Dancing With The Faculty in the past, but due to Covid, they have had to cancel the event in the past three years. The dancers and teachers have been working hard in the past weeks to put on a good show for you and they are very excited to share their dance moves. So, you don’t want to miss the fun of seeing your favorite teachers dance, so please come down this Thursday at 7:00, it’s only $3 dollars to watch.
This year’s teachers include: Peter Isherwood, Jen Smith, Cassia Wellington, Jen Basmagy, Patti Kelly, Cheryl Krol, Catherine Harvey, Mara Hussey, Jen Heaney and Justin McGhee.
Participation Notes:
- A faculty member or a group may dance alone or with an academy dancer however only faculty will be judged. Academy dancers will serve as coaches in any capacity.
- The Show is April 20th 7:00 pm in the auditorium. Stage rehearsal open to first come, first serve participants on April 18th & 19th after school.
- Faculty will meet with the Dance Academy Dancer/Coach at times convenient to their personal schedule.