Student Government Set to Host MHSN Olympics

On May 31, 2022, the Middletown High School North Student Government will be hosting their version of the Olympic Games. The Olympic Games were originally created in ancient Greece that served as a Panhellenic festival that would be held every fourth year. This festival was made up of contests that included sports, music, and literature. Since the late 1800’s, the name has been used for a modified revival of the ancient Games, consisting of international athletic contests held at four-year intervals.
The goal of the Middletown High School North Olympics is to create a sense of unity and bonding among the four grade level classes. A total of eight teams will participate, with each team having a designated captain that is a member of MHSN Student Government. Each team leader will be responsible for making sure their team is organized and properly prepared for each event.
The teams will feature a mix of 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th graders and will be designated one of the following colors: Black, Blue, Green, Pink, Purple, Orange, Red and White.
2022 Olympics Final Rosters – Sheet1
Field Goal Kick (Survivor) | 1 member of each team kicks, until only 1 standing-miss=elimination |
Frisbee Distance Toss | 1 member farthest distance on frisbee throw starting from goaline. |
Red Light, Green Light | 25 members of each team, goaline to goaline based on signal given. |
3 Legged Race | 2 members from each team, fastest team wins |
Softball Throw | 2 members from each team; farthest distance on softball throw starting from goaline. |
Dizzy Bat Relay Race | 5 members each team; 10 spins before running towards teammate and tagging them to go |
Medicine Ball Toss | 3 members from each team will get 1 toss, farthest distances determine place finish |
Soccer Long Goal Survivor | 2 members from each team get to kick; Start from Mid Field, work back |
Human Wheel Barrow Race | 8 members from each team, 2 at a time completing 20 yard leg |
Relay Race (6 Leg) | 6 members from each team compete in relay race on track with baton |
Tug of War | 12 members from each team compete in double elimination event |
Spike Ball Tourney | Single elimination; first team to 11 |
Volleyball Tourney | 8 members from each team, first team to score 11(win by 2pts) wins; Single elimination |
Ultimate Musical Chairs | 6 members from each team; 47 chairs to start- Music signals start/stop |
Lawn Dart Challenge | |
Dodgeball | 4 members from each team will particpate; 4 teams to a side (Survivor Mode) |

Brandon is enjoying his first year as part of the Middletown High School North Lion's Roar Newspaper. Brandon has been creating some fun and exciting...