Middletown Community Update on Pandemic Response Team Subcommittees

Middletown Community Update on Pandemic Response Team Subcommittees

Writer, Lion's Roar Staff

Source MTPS Newsletter # 61

As discussed during the Board of Education meeting on January 26, the district has formed three Pandemic Response Team (PRT) subcommittees, one for elementary, middle and high school. Each subcommittee consists of members from each of our schools’ Pandemic Response Teams. School PRT members have been meeting since August to implement the MTPS Restart and Recovery Plan in each building. The district subcommittees include PRT representatives from various stakeholder groups including parents, all categories of school staff, Board members and administrators. They relate to a broad range of grade levels, student needs, programs, etc.
The starting point for subcommittee discussion will be a review of the draft plan for implementing Phase 6 (collapsing of cohorts) presented by administration at the January 20 Board Workshop meeting. The subcommittees’ recommendations will be considered in making any revisions to that plan, if needed. The subcommittees will also work to identify strategies to ensure safe and effective school operations during Phase 6 of the MTPS Restart and Recovery Plan, as well as look at effective ways to maximize afternoon instruction time for students and make recommendations to administration. The subcommittees will not be determining if or when Phase 6 will be implemented. We will be moving forward with Phase 6. The timing of that movement will be determined by administration in consultation with medical and public health experts and after review of health data related to the school and community.