Mr. Scala is Teacher of the Year
The spotlight shines on Mr. Scala as the 2018 teacher of the year due to his impressive involvement in our school.
Mr. Scala has been teaching here since 2004. He teaches US History 1, Government and Politics, and Law, Justice, and Society. As the former baseball coach, he has a great appreciation for sports. He went out of his way to track down former student athletes and induct them into the Hall of Fame, hanging their pictures near the lower gym.
He is in charge of numerous clubs at MHSN, including Student Government, GLP3, Newspaper, Hall of Champions, and The League of Women Voters. He has also contributed to some of North’s most memorable moments of the year, such as the bonfire in November, the Student-Faculty Basketball Game, Voter Registration Drive, Kortney’s Coins, the Wounded Warrior Project, and Relay for Life.
When asked how it felt to be named Teacher of the Year, Mr. Scala said, “Being recognized is very nice. However, it would not be possible without an amazing, young student body and group of teachers here at Middletown North.”
Anyone who has Mr. Scala as a teacher, including myself, can agree he is not only a great teacher, but an exceptional person who is constantly doing things for other people.

I am currently a junior at Middletown High School North and this is my third year as part of the Lion's Roar staff. I also have been part of the soccer...