Teacher Spotlight: Douglas Felegy

Anna DiBrita, Writer


This  month’s faculty spotlight focus is on Middletown High School North AP Economics teacher, Mr. Douglas Felegy. AP economics is a vast subject that will continue to benefit the students who are taking it years after they have finished. The Lion’s Roar conducted an interview with the living legend this week comprising of his experience at High School North. “This is my 11th year of teaching. It has been a wonderful experience, I enjoy the very friendly staff and the students are outstanding.” Mr. Felegy is well respected by the teachers in the community, and his students seem to enjoy his class.

AP Economics student and Student Government leader Luke Ziegler shared his thoughts about Mr. Felegy: “Mr. Felegy is amazing.  He combines great content knowledge, patience and an awesome sense of humor.  He has a great way of making class fun, but at the same time informative and beneficial.”

Mr. Felegy shared how he is able to change a seemingly purposeless subject into an intuitive life skill, “We relate economics to everyday living across all subjects such as current events, interesting topics, and generally wrapping up the idea that there is economics behind everything.” Since economics is a required subject to graduate, it is known by the state to be useful as it opens up the bases for many diverse future careers.

Being apart of the High School North faculty is sure to be full of stories that last a lifetime, and Mr. Felegy shared one of his memorable moments, “I would have to say my most memorable moment was when a team of students came in 2nd place to a national Stock Market Game. We were given a trip to Wall Street where we were treated to lunch, and a day full of speakers. It was very cool to see my students accomplish something wonderful based on economics.”

The Lion’s Roar will be featuring interviews with many of the faculty throughout this year.

Photos courtesy of JMS