One Quarter Down, Three To Go
Marking period one has finally come to an end, and boy was it a rush. School reopened after summer break back in September. Student got the chance to meet new friends, reconnect with old ones, and adjust to their classes. Let’s not forget readjusting to homework.
Quarterlies for this first marking period have now ended. Those who studied will no doubt be rewarded with good grades from their hard work and patience.
A big congratulations to everyone for surviving the first quarter of the long school year ahead of us! Hopefully, everyone is ready to move on to the second quarter. Freshmen will now be starting gym class. Sophomores will be taking a break from P.E. for the second marking period to take Theory of Safe Driving.
This will be the last semester of all half year classes, so be sure to make the most of your time in half-year electives! Also, be prepared to transition to your second semester classes.
This marking period will contain many breaks off of school, including winter break. Enjoy your time off everyone; lots of it will be given during this marking period!
The beginning of the school year is over, and now it is time to move on and continue to have a great year!

I’m 15-years-old and I’m a Sophomore at MHSN. I’m very introverted, spending most of my time reading books or on a computer, but I can be very...