The Sign is Here!

On Friday December 18, the 9 and a half year wait finally came to an end, Dr. Cartier revealed digital sign in front of Middletown High School North. The $20,000 sign is a symbol of bright things to come at Middletown North.
When talking to Dr. Cartier, she was ecstatic about the new sign finally arriving at North. “All good come to those who wait,” Dr. Cartier said. Dr. Cartier told us the $20,000 was raised from donations and fundraisers. “The goal was to raise around $2,000 a year.”
When asked about the people who doubted the need of a digital sign, Dr Cartier said,”I am so proud of everything Middletown North does. Our sport teams, academics, and clubs all are fantastic. With the old sign I could only say one of two things about all the extracurriculars at North. WIth the new sign we can rotate slides and show how great all of our programs are.” Dr. Cartier also went onto say how easy the messages are now to produce, “Instead of people going outside and constantly changing the letters, I can hit a few key strokes and change the sign. Also, we can change the sign much more frequently in than in the past.”
The sign however is not the only plan Dr. Cartier has to make the outside landscape of the school nicer, “In the spring we are planning to put brick work around the sign and plant beautiful flowers around the sign.”
“There are more things to come for Middletown North the sign was just the start.” Dr. Cartier had to say to close.
Greg Scharen is a senior at Middletown High School North. Greg has written for the paper since freshman year and is the Co-Editor-in-Chief this year. Greg...