It is not every day that young individuals are able to wake up, log onto a computer, and submit pieces of email-like letters to far-away places that they may never have heard of before until a couple of months ago. These letters aren’t going anyplace that important after all right? They are only deciding what type of future a young, prospective student may have in hold for them.
That’s right, it’s that time of year again. College application time can be one of the most stressful times in a young student’s life. Balancing homework, schoolwork, extracurricular activities, family life, and college applications can be a big deal for those that may not have had to deal with much stress in the past.
While it may not seem like that much too some, a little essay here, a couple sentences there and there you go, one college application all done and ready to be sent off to whatever college a student may dream of. However it simply doesn’t work that way in the real world. Many seniors this year at Middletown North have been stressing out at the fact that they have, well, so much to do in what seems like such a small amount of time.
This isn’t actually the case though. Students here at North have had plenty of time to write, review, and edit their application and most of their essays since, well, at least the middle of August. While summertime certainly isn’t the time that any teenager wishes to be doing college application, it certainly is the time for one to write and create the best, brightest, and most heartfelt application that they will ever create.
Why is this? Students who just started creating their application and writing their essay these past months are stressed. They have a test tomorrow, a quiz the next week, homework due in a couple of hours, and on top of all that they have that college application in the back of their minds. So after several hours of studying, eating, and relaxing, all of a sudden it’s nine o’ clock at night and they haven’t even looked over the essay topic.
Advice for next year’s seniors: get done with college applications over the summer or as soon as possible. Find out where you want to apply to early and just get it done before there is too much piled up on that desk everyone has labeled “I’ll do this tomorrow”. After all, senior year is a time for fun, excitement, new experiences, and some lasting memories to be made.