Middletown North holds a diverse combination of students who offer unique approaches to the spookiest day of the year, Halloween. Speaking with numerous students on this subject, each offered their own viewpoint and agenda to the infamous Hallow’s Eve.
The majority of the freshman interviewed planned to go trick or treating for the holiday. A few choosing the classic cat costume while others offered their creative costumes. Alex Kern is planning on trick or treating as a Lego figure, constructing his costume with cardboard boxes. Another freshman is dressing up as the pokemon, Pikachu while her friend is planning on being her dad.
The sophomore class offered a wider range of approaches to their Halloween adventures. One underclassmen, unsure of his plans, was divided on staying in with friends or venturing to trick or treat. His costume of choice is Ms. Trunchbull from the movie and musical, Matilda. While another sophomore is going on a vacation to Disney on Halloween but refraining from wearing a costume.
Some of the juniors viewed Halloween as just a regular day while others were excited to join the festivities. One spoke of his obligation to work on Halloween but said his costume was a sexy contractor if anyone was asking. Another junior with a working responsibility talked of his job at Sonic and their Halloween deal of fifty cent corn dogs but they said if they could dress up a cowgirl costume was the way to go. Vin Ferrara is dressing up as Finn the human from Adventure Time but isn’t quite sure of his plans for the evening.
The senior class had many creative costume ideas as well as plans for the evening of Halloween. The members of the MHSN Orange Wave Marching Band will be playing at the football game in North Brunswick. Some seniors of the band are dressing up as past drum majors while the flute and clarinet sections are planning on minion costumes from Despicable Me. One senior approached Halloween with a rebellious spirit by refusing to dress up as a protest to the holiday.
Some weren’t sure of their costume or the plans and those who were had various plans such as trick or treating, parties or small get-togethers with friends. An upperclassman spoke of their Mischief Night plans, they hoped to fill a woven basket with eggs still in the carton, wrap it and place it on a doorstep. A cleaner version of egging someone’s house.
A big question with high schools with Halloween is when are you too old to trick or treat? A sophomore, Jemima, said “It’s a fun night, I think its wrong for people to write it off because of age. There are a lot of fun things you can do no matter your age.” While a senior, Julia, said “Personally, I don’t trick or treat anymore if other high schoolers do that’s their opportunity for free candy. Those who viewed tricking or treating with age limit agreed that 15 or 16 was the oldest.
No matter the approach to this holiday, Halloween will see a variety of costumes and activities from the students of Middletown North.