The Walking Dead season 5 premiered this past Sunday on AMC and fans were treated to many interesting plot details and zombie slaying action that surprised many.
Starting off directly after the season 4 finale, the episode begins with Rick Grimes and his band of survivors attempting to escape the false safe-haven called Terminus. Fans were treated to brutal “execution style” manslaughter within the first ten minutes of the show as a cannibal group of survivors attempts to chop up Ricks group into tiny pieces.
Right from the start this episode started out great. The tense opening and constant questioning of, “well what are the characters possibly going to do now?” drove the plot and action scenes continuously throughout the course of the episode, which is something that show hasn’t done in quiet some time. Without giving too much away, the entire sixty minute runtime brought plot twists, character risk, and new questions to the table, all while having extremely entertaining and satisfying zombie-slaying action scenes that series is known for.
Unfortunately, five seasons is somehow not enough for AMC to create great special effects for this particular show. Several of the up-close zombie/human kills seemed especially fake, something that the show has struggled with in past seasons. While this problem still remains, many fans don’t seem to mind as it adds to the atmosphere of the show.
Overall, the opening of season 5 of The Walking Dead was an extreme success and, according to, was the most watched episode of the series ever. The Walking Dead will air on Sunday’s at 9 P.M. on AMC.