Feminism. Some classify it as a shout for equality while others view it as a word with the sole purpose for the destruction of men. The mission of feminism has been debated about as much as the need for feminism itself.
The answer should be a simple one; feminism is needed. Feminists have always and will continue to have supporters but it is people like Emma Watson that truly spark a revolution in the common citizen. Her powerful speech to the U.N. on September 20th has garnered much attention, both positive and negative. Either way, her mission is being recognized.
“HeforShe” is a campaign started by U.N. Women to spread awareness of gender inequality through the involvement of men. Stated by Emma Watson in her speech, “Now it’s time to unify our efforts. HeForShe is a solidarity movement for gender equality that brings together one half of humanity in support of the other of humanity, for the entirety of humanity.”
Male involvement in the fight for women is essential in producing significant change to society. Not only does gender inequality negatively impact women, men are affected as well. Gender roles and stereotypes are exceedingly harmful to society and the upbringing of children. Watson said in her speech, “Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong. It is time that we all perceive gender on a spectrum not as two opposing sets of ideals.” People should not feel obligated to conform to society’s perception of what their gender needs to be. Female and Male are not neat little boxes that everyone fits into.
Men everywhere have shown their support for this movement especially on social media. Numerous celebrities have taken to twitter such as Russell Crowe, Harry Styles, Douglass Booth, Tom Hiddleston and more.
While Emma Watson has much support, some do not share her passion for equality. A few days after her speech, there was a website started to allegedly release Emma Watson’s nudes due to angry generated by her views. After some investigation, the site was revealed to be a hoax putting Watson in no real danger.
With every cause there will be those unwilling to listen. It is important to recognize allies and the positive effect their support can have on a cause. “HeforShe” has generated much needed awareness towards a worldwide issue that needs to addressed. Men need to fight for women and in turn they will be fighting for themselves.
Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-iFl4qhBsE