After four years of high school, three students signed their letters of intent to their respective choice of college. The ceremony was held in the CRC room on November 13th during fourth period. Friends, family members, and staff members were there in attendance as they signed their names on the contracts.
As Dominiquea Trotter signed her contract over a banner for the University of Maryland, it was apparent that the gymnast was anticipating great things, “I went to visit there and I kept going back to Maryland.” Dominiquea said, “I'm very excited.”
Her parents were equally as confident saying that Maryland was her first choice, “we're very proud of her… she works hard.” Mr. & Mrs. Trotter said. “Its good. I'm proud of her… she deserves it,” Dominiquea's sister Karissa had to add, “she works very hard.”
Wearing a sweatshirt for Wagner College, Erin Finn signed her signature on a packet of paper. She will be taking a place on the swim team at Wagner. “I just love the team,” Erin said “and they have a great nursing program there.”
Sitting on the farthest end of the table, fencer Robert Slawinski promised his attendance to the New Jersey Institute of Technology. “I looked around and its one of the best schools for technology and engineering… and they're the only school I've found that has division one fencing,” Robert said.
Guidance counselors and administrators were there to congratulate the students on their academic and athletic achievements. “We try to do these as much as possible.”Vice Principal John Carmody said, “it really is a great thing.”