Walking into room 2407 during the 3A transition period, one can find one of the new faces at Middletown High School North, Ms. Amy Hover. Recently, I was able to catch up with the new math teacher and ask her a few questions.
Lion’s Roar: Where did you grow up?
Ms. Hover: I grew up in Leonardo and I went to Middletown South.
LR: So what did you do for activities when you were in high school?
Hover: I actually participated in a competition cheerleading team that traveled around; it goes by a different name now. I was also the varsity manager of the softball team.
LR: So how was cheerleading?
Hover: We traveled around the East coast doing competitions and it opened up scholarships for me for colleges and I’m glad for that experience.
LR: In speaking of college, where did you receive your education?
Hover: I went to Brookdale for two years because I was unsure of what I wanted to be. I actually was an art major first but then I switched to math. When I went to Caldwell College, I graduated with my bachelor degree in math and a bachelor degree in special ed. and my certification for teaching.
LR: So what inspired you to become a teacher?
Hover: Actually one of my teachers at South helped inspire me. I was always an average student at math but the one teacher always made it fun and helped me realize that I was really good at it, so it started to spark my interest in teaching because I want to be one of those teachers that takes that average student and help them realize that they can learn the skills and concepts in regards to math.
LR: Did you always wanted to become a teacher?
Hover: No. My first major was actually interior design and then I switched to art and then I switched to math. It wasn’t until I was majoring in art until I realize that I wanted to be a math teacher.
LR: How did you end up at North?
Hover: I student taught at North first and then I was aware of an opening that was here. While I was student teaching I fell in love with the atmosphere, how each department works and how each member of the staff really works together. So when I found out about the opening, I applied, went through the interview and did the demo lessons and that was what brought me here today.
LR: Now we’ve come to the most important question of the day. What is your favorite TV show?
Hover: Hmm. That’s a good one. I have a lot. But I have to go with the Walking Dead. It’s a pretty interesting show.
LR: Another hard question. Are you a dog or a cat person?
Hover: Oh a dog. I have a dog and he is like my baby, defiantly a dog person.
LR: So if you were an animal, what would you be and why?
Hover: I would be an elephant. They are my favorite animals. If you watch them work together, I always thought it is something spectacular. I’ve loved them ever since I could remember.
As a teacher at North, Hover wishes to inspire her students to learn math to the best of their potentials much as she did while she attended Middletown South. She views her future endeavors in the Middletown school district with optimism and confidence that she can help students achieve.