Dr. George made another visit to Middletown High School North on May 14, 2013 in the school’s library to discuss the opinions and personal feelings on the way things are running in North so far this year.
Beginning with a discussion on the biggest change to North this year; block scheduling. The students conversing with Dr. George all agreed that it was a great change to the curriculum. Dr. George added that, “several minor changes need to be made to the system for next year, but honestly, I believe this year has been a great success with block scheduling”.
As for the upcoming year at North, questions were asked as to how things were going to change in the classrooms next year. Many technological upgrades to the classrooms will be made, such as the addition of Chrome Laptops in all English classes and the addition of Ipads in math classes are all coming to North next year. Dr. George is very excited about the new learning opportunities that all students will have here at North.
Another hot topic recently has been the possible implication of quarterlies into the school curriculum rather than midterms and finals. Well all rumors can now be busted, because quarterlies are definitely making their way to North next year. “Quarterlies seem like a better way to evaluate the knowledge of each and every individual student, allowing the teachers to understand the learning habits of their classes,” stated Dr. George.
For the several students who came to the chat with the superintendant, several questions arose that sparked many deep conversations. Hannah Lafargue asked, “Is there a new way that teachers may be getting evaluated within the upcoming years?” Dr George answer by stating that unannounced teacher evaluations will be coming up within the next couple of years. Several students in the audience wondered if there was any possibility of an evaluation that they themselves could take part in, “seeing that they are our teachers and we see them hundreds of hours a year, unlike the professionals who only see them on an announced date for a couple of hours” said Hannah Lafargue to the Superintendant.
The meeting with Dr. George answered many important questions for many concerned students throughout the school. It seems as if Middletown North has many interesting and new changes coming its way. Only time will tell as to how these changes affect the learning environment and the students within it. As for right now, Middletown North thanks Dr. George for coming yet again to have another successful meeting with many excited and enthusiastic.