During the past week, Middletown North showcased the art work from all the different art classes in their annual art show, which took place in the library. Starting on Monday April 16 and finishing on Friday April 20, students were able to go with their language arts classes to check out the variety of work that their fellow classmates created.
In the art show, you were able to see artwork done by the fine arts classes, the functional design classes, the photography classes, and the graphic design classes. Having these different forms of art classes, there was a huge variety of work to see.
The variety ranged from regular pencil sketches all the way to designs done on the computer. With the different styles, there was something for everyone to check out and appreciate.
On Tuesday April 17, they had a night time art show so that the friends and families of the artist could come and view their work. Starting at 7 and ending at 9, allowing plenty of time for the art to be viewed. Aside from the artwork, there were free refreshments for all the guests who came.
Having heard about our art, Superintendent Dr. George decided to hold the monthly Board of Education meeting in the Middletown North Library to showcase the many talents of the North students.
With the week coming to an end, the art classes will begin to take down the artwork and return it back to their classrooms for their own personal display. The art classes thank everyone for their support and hope that they enjoyed viewing the artwork.