Today, Dr. George met with a group of students after school to discuss issues around North. Various topics of discussion included student-run college question panels, traffic safety, economics being a required elective, and financial aid issues.
Dr. George began the meeting by declaring “I want to get your perspective on student life here at North. You guys are here everyday, you know what's going on; I'm not here everyday, fill me in!”
One student proposed instilling a junior and senior panel such as they did at South in order to benefit the underclassmen who are applying to college. Dr. George concluded that the workshop worked well at South, and Dr. Cartier even proposed an excellent date for the panel, when the freshmen will be taking their biology testing.
Another topic of conversation arose when senior, Mike Millicker complained of parents who come to pick up their children parking illegally. He recently got into a car accident with one of these parents and got a ticket for careless driving. Dr. George said that a facility meeting occurred yesterday, and three a
nd a half foot cones will soon be set out in the no parking zones to help advocate for traffic safety.
Senior Kyle Smith brought up the fact that Economics will soon become a required elective for graduation. Dr. George reiterated that Economics teaches you how to handle money, and is just generally benefical overall for good life skills.
Senior Lindsay Donohue addressed the issue of financial aid help not being available to guidance counselors. “As a senior, it's really hard to find out financial aid information and the fact that my guidance counselor can't even help me is really upsetting.” Dr. George proposed a workshop for guidance counselors, in order to better educate them on financial aid.
Dr. Cartier ended the meeting by saying, “Thank you for coming everyone, this is just another way that Middletown helps its own.”
Edit: On March 13, 2012, The Lion's Roar misreported Mr. Millicker as issued a ticket for “reckless driving” when the ticket was for “careless driving.” The article has been changed to reflect this. – Adviser, June 11, 2012