In a time of extremely harsh economic times, many people are forced to live lifetstyles that border on poverty. What often goes unnoticed, however, is the abundance of people falling under that category living in our community.
In order to assist these people, many volunteering functions are held throughout the year at Middletown North. Some of these upcoming events include Jeans for Teens hosted by Civic Leadership and a shoe drive held by the German and Latin Honor Societies. Both of these are requesting gently used apparel (jeans and shoes) in order to benefit those less fortunate individuals in the community.
To raise awareness for the American Heart Association, on February 3 students are encouraged to wear red. By taking part in this event, Middletown North will be in the running for most school spirit and a $1000 grant once a picture containing the most red-clad people is submitted.
Each of these events serves as reminders for the importance and perpetual need for volunteers and donations. These events are capable of assisting a myriad of people; the benefits are even more satisfying knowing that they are helping people in our own community.