It’s usually a good idea to wait until the last night of any North Drama Club production to see the show. The theory is that on that last show all the technical kinks have been worked out and every cast member is going to give it their all for their final performance.
However this year many people who went to each performance, said that each one was spot on. Each cast member did a fantastic job bringing the show together and bringing their characters alive.
It is important to always give credit to the stage crew; their efforts really shined in this play. The props crew transformed the stage into a true tropical island, every audience member felt transported by the convincing setting.
The completely authentic performances by the lead actors just have to be addressed. John Farella’s portrayal of an overly eager politician was scarily real! His acting chops shined as he bounded around the stage chasing afterIsabella,Miss.America, played by Meghan Mahoney. Meghan paraded around as a pompous and conceited princess with no patience for being stranded on an island.
Attempting to add some reason to this crazy situation, “Granny,” convincingly played by Nia DeLiso tried to mediate between all of the stranded characters. Nelson, played by Mike Gwiardowski and Dwayne played by Derek Carper got the most laughs out of the audience with their childish antics.
Amy the exuberant survival scout, performed by Juliet Gallagher and the “plain Jane” played by Laura Bellini displayed their acting abilities and shined throughout the play. My favorite characters Captain Amo, and Mr. Baldwin, played by Shayna Flynn and Frank Dente respectively, were absolutely hilarious and many could not help but laugh out loud. The pirates and their gibberish language perfectly off set the paranoid stranded cast.
Overall Stranded! was one of the best performances North has ever seen put on by the North Drama Club. The acting was exquisite and the set was meticulously created by some of the most dedicated crew members this school has ever had.