Little Women Book Review

“Women, they have minds, and they have souls, as well as just hearts. And they’ve got ambition, and they’ve got talent, as well as just beauty.” -Josephine March
The classic coming-of-age novel depicts a loving family full of strong constitutional women, the March’s. The book revolves around characters Jo, Meg, Beth, Amy, and neighbor Theodore Laurence. As the readers follow their lives, the pages go from lighthearted memories to fulfillment of dreams, Jo March’s specifically.
Jo shows progression from writing dramatic plays which are performed by her siblings in the attic, to selling best tales. Her hopes and dreams of being a writer become a reality, but she soon realizes that growing up comes with a price.
Although this book was somewhat of a heavy and time consuming read, Louisa May Alcott conquered this novel and it was a sensational success. While tracing each of their unique lives, Alcott incorporates the importance of childhood to womanhood and that home is where the heart is.
She teaches her readers of unrequited love and perhaps everyone who loves, may love in a different way. Not only did she explore the topics of illness and poverty during that time, but she also made the read unwittingly funny. This book was 7.5/10.

Liv is a junior at Middletown High School North and serves as a dedicated member of the Newspaper Club. She enjoys writing, reading an abundance of books,...