Got a CLUE About the Fall Production at Middletown North?
Fall has just arrived, meaning the High School North Drama Club’s production CLUE is right around the corner.
Save the Dates! The production will be performed at MHSN on Friday, November 30 at 7 PM and Saturday, December 1 at 4 PM. The ticket price for adults in eight dollars and the price for students is five dollars.
The play’s callbacks took place on Friday, September 21, followed by the release of a cast list Monday, September 24. All grades had the opportunity to audition and make an appearance in the spotlight.
It is worth noting that the leading roles of this play have very varying personality types. Professor Plum has the brains, Mrs. White is extremely friendly and Colonel Mustard bleeds with narcissism.
Great efforts will prevail and the truly talented, hard-working individuals that are part of this club are excited for their chance to shine! As for now, practice makes perfect.

I am currently a junior and staff member of the The Lion’s Roar for Middletown North! I enjoy writing feature articles and A&E pieces. Some activities...