Middletown North Art Show Highlights Talented Students
The 4th annual Middletown North Art Show was a great success! The pieces represented in this show range from Architectural Design, Graphic Design, Fashion and Home Decor, and Applied Arts I-IV where students of all different grades have submitted their work to be displayed in front of the entire school in the Middletown High School North Library during the week of May 21-25, 2018.
The art show this year is very impressive and featured many different forms of artistic talent from painting, shading, building and photography. Not only did the show feature a variety of work, but a great deal of volume this year as well. The Show featured close to a 1,000 total pieces. The Lion’s Roar staff interviewed Mrs. Kuzmin, an art teacher at North, to get her reflections on this year’s show. “This was one of our strongest years yet for art fusion as we had so many educators participate with their classes,” she said.
It is important to remember that Mrs. Kuzmin is only one of the many teachers that put in their effort and support to make this art show possible. Many of the Middletown High School North teachers also made it a point to bring their students to the show to recognize and compliment the artists that put so much time and effort into these masterpieces. It is not too late to view some of your fellow classmates’ work! The art show was taken down on Wednesday, however enjoy the pictures within this article if you did not find the time to head on over to the library.

I am currently a junior at Middletown High School North and this is my third year as part of the Lion's Roar staff. I also have been part of the soccer...