Pumpkin Palooza!
As if this season needed more pumpkins than it already has! Pumpkin flavored drinks, pumpkin flavored food, jack-o-lanterns, and so much more! However, this autumn at MHSN, pumpkins take on another ‘form’ of sorts. The Middletown North Latin Honor Society is selling pumpkin grams, much like the balloon-grams they sold earlier this year.
Students and staff can write messages to other students or staff members on a piece of paper, which will then be tied to a mini pumpkin and hand delivered to the recipient by the Latin Honor Society members during block 6 on October 31st. They are being sold in the cafeteria, main office, and the auditorium for $3 each. They will only be available this upcoming Monday and Tuesday, so get yours soon!
The $3 from each pumpkin gram is very important. Everyone’s money will be used towards a good cause. “The proceeds go towards two things – [one] is the Latin Honor Society scholarship fund which awards scholarships to graduating seniors who have taken Latin at North,” said Lindsay Rath, MHSN’s Latin teacher and advisor for the Latin Honor Society. “Some of the proceeds will also go towards purchasing our donations for hurricane relief supplies for those affected in Puerto Rico and other places.” Hopefully, the Latin students can raise as much money as possible for hurricane relief.
There are plenty of the little paper Snapchat ghost-shaped papers left, so if you haven’t already, please consider purchasing a pumpkin gram or two to send to any of your friends or teachers. They will only be available for two more days, so buy yours quickly!

I’m 15-years-old and I’m a Sophomore at MHSN. I’m very introverted, spending most of my time reading books or on a computer, but I can be very...