Middletown Beach Sweep

Middletown Beach Sweep

Tori Yeasky, Staff Writer

On Saturday, October 21, 2017, students and faculty from the Middletown North Environmental Club will be partaking in a beach sweep at the Bayshore Waterfront Park in Port Monmouth, NJ.

The club focuses on what they can do to improve the environment, and sweeps have become an annual event for them, as it is a great way to aid this fight. The sweep is being orchestrated by Clean Ocean Action, a New Jersey based organization of 33 years that advocates against ocean and environmental pollution. COA has championed many issues, and their beach sweep events last year gathered around 5,000 volunteers in total; even more are expected for this year.

The volunteers at the events work together to collect harmful debris, and record data to use in annual environmental reports. Collecting trash from the beach will not only beautify it, but it will also have extremely beneficial lasting effects for our environment and community. In addition, reports that are made based on the participants’ data get used to progress federal, state, and local programs to reduce litter.

The students and faculty affiliated with Middletown North’s Environmental Club, along with those belonging to COA and other organizations, will be making a difference in the current troubled state of our environment.