Dark Madness!

It’s that time of year again! It’s October! It’s time for costumes, candy, and scares! Some people, however, are taking it a step further. Throughout social medias (for example, Twitter and Tumblr), various accounts have changed their bios and profile pictures to show off their Halloween spirit. They create their own alter ego that is the face of their profile for the month of October. These egos are referred to as ‘Dark personas’ and they are an opposite version of their creator.
This Halloween, more and more people began to make dark personas for themselves. Person after person joining the ‘dark’ side of social media. Some people also like to ‘role-play’ (or pretend to talk as) their dark personas with others. YouTubers tend to make special video projects featuring their dark personas, which are usually created by fans and brought back to celebrate on Halloween.
All fun aside, creating dark personas is a great way to get into the Halloween spirit with both strangers and friends. Watch out internet, it’s time to get spooky.

I’m 15-years-old and I’m a Sophomore at MHSN. I’m very introverted, spending most of my time reading books or on a computer, but I can be very...