R. L. Stine’s Characters Return

Kate Bruncati

On October 16th, Goosebumps got on the big screen. This was a big treat for 90s and early 2000s kids that grew up watching every spooky episode of the series directly based off of R. L. Stine’s world renowned novels.

In the film, viewers are greeted with a teenager named Zach, who had just moved to Madison, Delaware with his mother. Not much later, Zach met his attractive neighbor Hannah, who caught his eye. Unfortunately, he also met Hannah’s creepy father, Mr. Shivers, who tried to keep his daughter away from everyone. As expected, strange things started happening over at Hannah’s house, which left Zach concerned about her well being. After breaking into her house to save her with his new friend Champ, Zach ends up coming across R. L. Stine’s novels. The creatures inside the stories came out for one last hoorah, much to the main character’s surprise. Luckily, Hannah knew how to stop them. Along the way, the three adolescents went on a crazy adventure with all sorts of twists and turns.

Overall, this movie was enjoyable, the humor managed to appeal to all ages, there is a fair amount of action, scary characters with one or two jump scares and a tad of romance for hopeless romantics to melt over. Even though the plot wasn’t anything special, that doesn’t bother anyone who knows the style of the Goosebumps novels. This film definitely got the job done right in a fun, silly way. 

So, if you plan on seeing this movie, “You’ll beware, you’re in for a scare!”